Lovin La Vida

Nikki and Nacho

Lovin La Vida

Lovin La Vida

Lovin La Vida

Nikki and Nacho


Hello world, we’re glad you stopped by to visit us. We’re Nikki and Nacho from Lovin la Vida and we’re excited to share with you a little bit about ourselves and what we do. Like many, we found ourselves tied to the clock and our daily agendas. We felt like we didn’t have enough time to do the things that really matter and make us happy. We had so much to do that we forgot to truly live in the present and enjoy each moment. Through the years we’ve learned that a happy life isn’t something we find, it’s something we create. It’s a mindset and it’s connected to what we think, choose, say and do each day. We’re here to share with you our experiences and what we’ve learned about how to live a happier, healthier life. We’d love to connect with you as we continue learning together on our Facebook and Instagram account and through our new blog (coming soon).

Nikki and Nacho from Lovin la Vida